Quick Icons

The Quick Icon plugin group is used to provide notification that updates to Joomla! or installed extensions are available and should be applied. These notifications display on your administrator control panel, which is the page you see when you first log in to your site administrator. Default on: Quick icon...

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The Captcha plugins are used to prevent spam submissions on your forms such as registration, contact and login. You basic installation of Joomla includes one Captcha plugin which leverages the ReCaptcha® service but you may install other plugins connecting to different Captcha systems. Default on: ReCaptcha help Note: ReCaptcha is...

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First Blog Post

Lorem Ipsum is filler text that is commonly used by designers before the content for a new site is ready. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed faucibus purus vitae diam posuere nec eleifend elit dictum. Aenean sit amet erat purus, id fermentum lorem. Integer elementum tristique lectus,...

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Second Blog Post

Lorem Ipsum is text that is traditionally used by designers when working on a site before the content is ready. Pellentesque bibendum metus ut dolor fermentum ut pulvinar tortor hendrerit. Nam vel odio vel diam tempus iaculis in non urna. Curabitur scelerisque, nunc id interdum vestibulum, felis elit luctus dui,...

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